Why I Don't Need Therapy, episode 463: the continuing saga of an embarrassing subconscious8/25/2022 Why I Don't Need Therapy, no 463:
In the dream, I was occasionally Lucie Arnaz, trying to get to Vegas for an awards ceremony for my ailing father, Desi. I lost one of my phones and couldn't remember the pin for the other one, so there was no way to let Lucy and Desi, Sr, know I was having trouble with transportation--that there were so many walls to scale and terrifying heights to conquer. "Just don't look down", I reminded myself. But I always looked down and panicked. When I remembered to look UP, I saw the biggest, pinkest moon that ever was. A moon for the ages. But I never made it to Vegas. Instead, I watched the ceremony on television, eating stale potato chips. My dear friend Carol Burnett was presenting, of course.